Social Europe: A Continent’s Challenge to Market Fundamentalism

A Continent's Answer to Market Fundamentalism

Detlev Albers, Stephen Haseler, Henning Meyer
European Research Forum at London, Metropolitan University, Londra 2006
pp. 224, € 12,99 | 9780954744830

The future of the European Union is more uncertain than perhaps at any point since its foundation. At issue is not just the future constitution for Europe but the sustainability of the social model itself. This book provides a constructive new look at these issues and shows that the way forward is not just building on existing achievements but innovating across new institutional dimensions.


Detlev Albers, Stephen Haseler and Henning Meyer

2.From the Constitutionalisation of
Europe to a European Constitution
Peter Brandt and Dimitris Tsatsos

3.The Future of Europe
Giuliano Amato

4.The Great Adventure of Europe
Detlev Albers

5.The Consequences of 29th May 2005
Elisabeth Guigou

6.How to Overcome the European Crisis?
Massimo D’Alema

7.Danger for Europe
Garrelt Duin and Martin Schwanholz

8.Present and Future of the European Union
Alfred Gusenbauer

9.A Democratic Left Vision for Europe
David Clark, Neil Kinnock, Michael Leahy,
Ken Livingstone, John Monks and Stephen Twigg

10.Some Reflections on the European Social Model
Vladimir Špidla

11.Renewing not Rolling Back Social Europe
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen

12.The Social Dimension of the European Union
Angelica Schwall-Düren

13.Reflections on the Meaning of ‘Social’ and ‘Liberal’
Jenny Andersson

14.Social Europe and European Identity
Donald Sassoon

15.The Real Underlying Debate in Europe is not the EU
Constitution but, Rather, the Future of Capitalism
Jeremy Rifkin

16.What is the Way Forward for the European Economy?
Dominique Strauss-Kahn

17.What is the Progressive Case for Gender Equality?
Zita Gurmai

18.Women in Social Democratic Politics
Wendy Stokes

19.The Freedom We Mean
Hubertus Heil

20.Putin’s Russia: Love and Hatred Towards the EU
Silvo Pons