Numero 2
aprile - giugno 2024 anno 65

Sommario e abstract degli articoli

Comunicazione simbolica e spazio politico lombardo tra la fine del XIII secolo e la prima età viscontea

The Political Value of Ecclesiastical Commissions in Lombardy during the Pontificate of Boniface VIII: Some Case Studies

This study analyses the use of painting to support a political message and a political position in Lombardy at the turn of the 14th century. The analysis shows the change in pictorial language that occurred during the pontificate of Boniface VIII, whose initiatives had deep consequences in the conflict between the political factions. This change was shown in a series of commissions by ecclesiastical figures. First, the depictions proposed by the «Ghibelline» bishops Ottone Visconti and Berardo Maggi, showing a message of community and civic peace and a Lombard-style painting, are analyzed. Then, the works commissioned by some Lombard cardinals close to Boniface VIII, based on a factional peace and on a painting style similar to Giotto’s, are examined.

Keywords: Painting, Boniface VIII, Giotto, Ghibellines, Guelphs.

Parole chiave: Pittura, Bonifacio VIII, Giotto, Ghibellini, Guelfi.

«Aquila in auro terribilis»: Representations of the Imperial Vicariate under the Viscontis up to Charles IV

In northern Italy during the 14th century, the imperial vicariate was represented in the settings and means typical of the exercise, display, and identification of power: palaces, banners, shields, sarcophagi, coins, and seals. Insofar as it drew its ultimate origin directly or indirectly from the imperial sphere, the privileged symbol for its recognition was an eagle spreading its wings. The eagle was continually represented not only by the holders of this institution, but also more simply by the advocates of the imperial side or by those who, by long tradition or political expediency, had entered into the sphere of the so-called Ghibelline side. Partially different in the first half of the 14th century was the situation in Milan, where depictions of the eagle were sporadic and sometimes supplanted by other modes. The reasons for this absence are to be found in the different relationship that the early Visconti Signoria had with the vicarial institution, in comparison with other contemporary experiences.

Keywords: Visconti, Eagle, Imperial Vicariate, 14th Century Empire, Symbol.

Parole chiave: Visconti, Aquila, Vicariato imperiale, Impero nel XIV secolo, Simbolo.

A Regional Political Space:Lombardy in the Perception of Pietro Azario

When Pietro Azario wrote his Liber gestorum in the 1360s, Galeazzo II and Bernabò Visconti had lost control of numerous cities. From the very title of his work, the chronicler informs us that the main spatial setting of the narrative is Lombardy, a territory of significant size and home to a multitude of political players. It is precisely the vastness of the area that long led Azario’s Lombardy to be viewed by historians as a strictly geographical region, because it lacked an institutional unity. The essay aims to demonstrate how the Lombardy outlined by Azario, although lacking unity from an institutional point of view and in the most traditional sense of the term, acquires a clear coherence and identity when analysed from the perspective of the relations (of both alliance and conflict) that the Viscontis maintained with the other lords of the territory (Este, Scaligeri, Gonzaga, etc.) and with the different cities, including those that were not part of their dominion.

Keywords: Lombardy, Region, Relations network, Political space, Visconti.

Parole chiave: Lombardia, Regione, Reti di relazione, Spazio politico, Visconti.


The Spectacle of War: The “Panoramas” of the Revolutionary and Napoleonic campaigns between England and France (1793-1816)

In 1787 Robert Barker, an Irish painter living in Edinburgh, patented the panorama, an immense circular painting which for the first time allowed viewers to immerse themselves in the canvas. Launched in London in 1791, the panorama rapidly spread throughout Europe, becoming particularly popular in Paris. The aim of this article is to reconstruct the genesis of the panorama industry in London and Paris between 1793 and 1816, a period in which war between France and England monopolized the market. More precisely, the article will investigate the reasons for the success of the military panorama, highlighting its decisive role in the transformation of public imaginary and the spectacularization of war.

Keywords: Panorama, War, Napoleon, London, Paris.

Parole chiave: Panorama, Guerra, Napoleone, Londra, Parigi.

Geographies of Books: The Empire’s Publishing System in the Annexed Departments (1800-1815)

What was the impact of the construction of the imperial book regime on the Italian Peninsula? This article aims to develop a reflection upon the evolution of publishing geographies and practices in the early nineteenth century. While the first part of the article analyses the practices and values around which this transformation took place, with an emphasis on the negotiating skills of the players involved, the second part endeavours to show that the success of this reform lies in the fact that it was the culmination of the profound transformations that took place at the end of the eighteenth century, leading to changes in the book trade and the affirmation of a new role for the printer. Lastly, these two elements help us to understand the logic behind the construction of publishing efforts within these departments, as well as, more broadly, the new geography of knowledge in Napoleonic Europe.

Keywords: Napoleonic Italy, Empire, Construction of space and borders, Printers/booksellers, Publishing practices, Petitions.

Parole chiave: Italia napoleonica, Impero, Stampatori-librai, Costruzione dello spazio e frontiere, Pratiche editoriali, Petizioni.

Opinioni e Dibattiti

Faces of Empire: For a New History of Elites in the Napoleonic Age

Recent Napoleonic historiography emphasizes the need to extend our exploration of the Grand Empire beyond an exclusive focus on Bonaparte’s biography or France. Current research directs attention to annexed departments, examining their integration into the empire through diverse indicators. A crucial aspect is the ralliement of local elites to the regime. While existing studies closely examine their interaction with government agents, this primarily reflects the agents’ viewpoint. This paper advocates for a complementary approach, prioritizing the elites, and underscores the necessity for further investigation into their role. This can be achieved by focusing on their networks and adopting a comparative viewpoint.

Keywords: Elite, Notables, Public officers, Napoleonic Europe, Napoleonic historiography.

Parole chiave: Élite, Notabili, Funzionari, Europa napoleonica, Storiografia napoleonica.


Ettore Lepore. Storia e storiografia

Ettore Lepore was one of the 20th century’s leading Italian historians of antiquity. Inspired by the recent publication of a volume of his essays edited by A. Storchi Marino, several of Lepore’s friends and students reminisce about his methodological teaching and the significance of his contributions not only to ancient studies but also to the history of modern and contemporary historiography. R. Delle Donne highlights Lepore’s focus on the connection between philology and political history, and his critical engagement with Crocean historicism. E. Federico revisits some autobiographical accounts to reconstruct the relationships between Lepore and his mentors. A.M. Rao recalls how Lepore deemed his experience at the Italian Institute for Historical Studies, founded by Benedetto Croce, as pivotal for his historical and civic education. T. Tagliaferri reconstructs his ongoing and fruitful dialogue with international historiography. Lastly, Storchi Marino reviews some aspects of Lepore’s interpretation of historians of ancient history in Southern Italy between the 19th and 20th centuries.

Keywords: Ettore Lepore, Ancient history, Modern history, History of historiography, 20th century.

Parole chiave: Ettore Lepore, Storia antica, Storia moderna, Storia della storiografia, XX secolo.

Il presente come Storia

Italy and Immigration: Media Perception and Historical Perspective

In Italy, there is a notable disjunction between the media portrayals of migration and its historical context. While narratives emphasizing an «invasion» paradigm persist and demonstrate significant capacity for self-perpetuation, authoritative studies underscore the pivotal role of migrants as drivers of economic, social, and cultural advancement, thus presenting opportunities for host societies. Despite Italy’s development of an informal integration model often likened to adoption, the deferral of formal integration policies is shortsighted. This is especially pertinent given the structural persistence of migration as a defining characteristic of contemporary society, as illuminated by historical analyses.

Keywords: Migration, Invasion, Communication, Integration, Italy.

Parole chiave: Migrazioni, Invasione, Comunicazione, Integrazione, Italia.

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